The Foreign Affairs Office of the Czech Republic
To Mr. Cyril Svoboda, the Minister
Loretanske nam. 5
118 00 PRAHA 1

  The Conservative Party
U Pruhonu 6
170 00 PRAHA 7,
Konzervativní strana

Re: An open letter

Dear Mr. Minister,

In connection with the forthcoming NATO summit in Prague the Conservative Party appeals to you to address a proposal to the other NATO member countries to offer the NATO membership to the state of Israel. The reasons are as follows:

The first, Israel - as well as Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey - is a Mediterranean country, so the condition of attaching to the North Atlantic region is fulfilled.

The second, Israel is a liberal and democratic country, fulfilling this way another condition of the NATO membership.

The third, in a cultural social and civilization sense, Israel is a part of the Western civilization, for the defence of which the NATO has been primarily formed.

The forth, Israel as a democracy is in the same time endangered by some authoritarian powers seeking to destroy it, in fact never giving up this long proclaimed goal of theirs, in spite of various rhetoric loopings. In other words, Israel is in the same situation as Czechoslovakia was in 1938, Europe in early 40’s and the whole Western civilization from the half of the 20th century to the end of its 80’s. The Near East conflict is that of whether the only liberal democracy and a part of the Western civilization has its right to exist and whether it will survive as a political society. The NATO membership of Israel could help to answer the question in a positive way.

The fifth, it would be otherwise a great honour for our homeland to be the very country appealing the NATO to admit Israel as a member. With so much experience as for deceitful attacks against civilized forms of government disguised as eye-taking pretensions of the minority right of self-determination, the working class right of social progress against the reaction or the peace camp right of brotherly international aid against counter-revolution occurred in the years of 1938, 1948 and 1968, the Czech Republic has all reasons to know that a civilized form of government, if it should have the hope of surviving, must also have the right of active self-defence. The state of Israel now takes advantage of this right. It should claim our aid that could be ensured by the NATO membership. In the moment of its creation the state of Israel faced the immediate and violent attempt of destruction. In that moment it was the Czech Republic that granted a distinctive aid. So it is the Czech Republic that deserves all moral rights to call for the Israel to be admitted as a NATO member.

And, finally, the sixth, after ensuring the Israel’s security by the NATO membership, it could also be hoped that the right and just claims of the Palestine nation would be met. In this way the NATO membership of Israel would also be a step towards the creation of an independent state of Palestine that would not become a threat to Israel. So the sincere adherents of the Palestine statehood should hail the NATO membership of Israel.

For this reasons we appeal to you, dear Mr. Minister, to do the right at the NATO summit in Prague.

Brno, September 19, 2002

  Konzervativní strana

MUDr. Jan Fořt

Prezident ČR Václav Havel, Vláda ČR, Ministerstvo obrany ČR, NATO, zastupitelské úřady v ČR těchto států: BRD, Francie, Itálie, Izrael, Kanada, Polsko, UK, USA, tisk

Re: An open letter
Jan Fort the Chairman Attention: Mr. Vaclav Havel, the President of the Czech Republic, the Cabinet of the Czech Republic the Defence Office, the NATO, the Embassies of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Poland, the United Kingdom and the USA in the Czech Republic, press